

Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Picture.....

I love to sleep...during the day

My feet never stay down where they are suppose to...they always end up by my stomach because I like to be all curled up!
I am actually wearing newborn clothes in this picture! The preemie clothes are not long enough anymore! We have graduated! So sleepy.....
Do you have a question? She always has her hand up in the air like she wants to ask us something :)

My sprout pouch.....

Today we tried out our sprout pouch from Amanda. This is the best thing ever! She fits in it just perfect and fell right asleep while I vacuumed the house.

Practicing for Halloween....

Olivia is going to be a bumble bee for Halloween so we tried her costume on the other day to test it out. The hat was a little big but she has grown a little bit since last week so we are hoping by Friday it will fit her just perfect. Either way she will be the cutest bee in the hive :) Thanks for the costume Amanda!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hanging out with mom....

This is what we do all day when dad is at work.......hang out and take pictures :)
so cute :)
I think I'm stuck......
My little feet

4 generation picture....

Great Grandma Liegl, Grandma Volden and us....

My first real bath....

Today Olivia had her first real bath in her tub from Auntie Vickie. She wasn't too happy with us!
Lucy made sure she we weren't hurting her.....
Good job Dad!
So much happier that we are done and out of the cold water!

Lucy the watch cat......

Both of the cats have been so good with Olivia and are constantly keeping an eye on her....especially Lucy. She loves her new little sister!

Olivia's new best friends.....

Today Bethany and Amanda came over with their daughters Ellie and Addison. The girls are almost all exactly one year apart in age and will be forced to be best friends whether they like it or not! Thanks for visiting us ladies!

Meeting Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel......

Last weekend Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel came to meet miss Olivia. We had lots of fun! Thanks for cooking for us all weekend!
Group Picture
Grandma and Grandpa
Taking a nap with Grandpa :) She seems to have that effect on all of us at times....
Olivia and Grandma
Olivia and Grandpa

Friday, October 10, 2008

Time to Go Home...

It's rough to be the "new kid in town".......
All packaged up and ready to go! Can you find me in my carseat??? I'm kind of little :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I just had my first bath so I am wide awake....
I feel so much better now!

Hear I Am......

Meet Olivia Jean! I was 6lbs. 11oz. and 19 1/2 in. long. Look at all of my hair!!!

Grandpa was the first to hold me...even before grandma! Grandma and me! Right after I was born....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Are you suppose to be in there???

I came in the room to find Lucy testing out the pack and play...she apparently thinks she is still the baby

Saturday, October 4, 2008

We can't wait to be big sisters!!!

Lucy and Lily are patiently waiting to be big sisters. Now if we could only keep Lucy from eating all of the babies things! She is worse than a dog. She thinks all of the babies toys are hers and fair game to chew apart. Today we caught her eating the counting caterpillar. It's a good thing that most of the toys crinkle or make noise when you touch them because it's easier to catch her in the act when she's doing something she's not suppose to!


39 weeks.....only 1 week to go until baby time! I am freaking out but we are super excited to meet our little Alexander or Olivia! It won't be long now!

The Babies Room!

The babies room is all set to go.....now all we need is the baby! Thanks to everyone for the awesome shower gifts to help fill the room up, to Frank and Karen for the crib, and to my mom for the many hours spent making the wall hangings that are super cute!