

Monday, November 24, 2008

Olivia's One month pictures!!!!

We had Olivia's one month pictures taken a couple of weeks ago and they are ready! They turned out super cute and if you would like to see them follow these steps....
1. Go to www.lemonlimestudios.com 2. Click on client access 3. Enter the password "photos" 4. Click on Emily's Gallery 5. Enter the password "stenzel" under your gallery

Our Trip to Illinois.......

We spent this last week in Illinois while Chris got to do his yearly deer hunting. We had lots of fun and Olivia got to spend time with Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel. The week went really fast and before we knew it, it was time to go home. Here are some pictures from our trip........
Olivia and her cousins Kade and Noelle......this looks like trouble.....
Olivia has a question.....how many more pictures does she have to take???
Family picture at the cabin....
While we were there they had a Christmas walk downtown with Santa so Olivia got to have her picture taken with him and her cousins. Noelle did really well, Kade wasn't too sure of this Santa guy, and as you can see.....Olivia was super excited....as she slept through the whole thing!
4-generation picture of Chris, his grandma Mary Jane, his mom Karen, and Olivia....
Olivia taking a bath in the big girl tub......
While we were there we got a chance to play Rock band on the nintendo wii. It was a lot of fun and harder than it looked! Here is Karen and Kim rockin' out.....
Nate showing Karen how to play the guitar....

Monday, November 10, 2008

The many faces of Olivia.....

Olivia's new toys....

Olivia actually likes her swing now.....and it is a good way to get her to quiet down! Yes this sweet little face can be VERY loud when she is not happy!
Olivia loves her play gym. She can look up at the lights and listen to the music and jungle animal sounds. Now we just have to keep our cat lucy from eating the animals that hang on it!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Last weekend Kim, Nate, and Noelle came to visit us from Illinois. We had lots of fun and the girls got to meet for the first time......
Noelle and Olivia with their matching outfits....Olivia looks like she is tired of having her picture taken!

Walking with Addio....

On Saturday we went for a walk with miss Addison and Amanda at Silver Lake because it was so nice out. I don't know if the girls enjoyed it very much though because by the end of the walk they were both completely sleeping!

Happy Halloween!

Olivia and her bumble bee costume....
Trick-or-treating at Grandma and Grandpa's house... Olivia and Erin....

So Sleepy....

Since I have gotten longer I fit in my papasan chair so much better!
Taking a nap with Dad.....caught ya!