

Monday, December 29, 2008

Olivia's Baptism...

Last weekend we had Olivia's baptism. Grandma Stenzel made Olivia's baptism gown out of left over material from my wedding dress and it was perfect. It turned out so good and we loved it!
Grandma getting me in my gown
The family
So pretty in my dress :)

Us and Olivia's godparents...Auntie Vickie and Aaron

Baptism Party...

During my party we watched the Vikings win! ....the Bears fans were not too happy.....too bad! I borrowed Grandpa's hat but it was a little too big!
Matt, Vickie, Erin, and me
The party tired me out so I had to take a little nap!
Grandma, Vickie, and Me
The Bears fans
The Vikings fans

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve.....
Mom, Grandpa, Vickie, and Me
Olivia and Grandma
Our first Christmas together! Christmas morning with mom
Olivia and Dad with her big present
Olivia and great grandpa Volden
Hello :)
Christmas Day with the Voldens
Me and Auntie Vickie
Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel brought LOTS of presents with them when they came to visit!
Olivia's cousins Kade and Noelle

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Bumbo!

Olivia is still a little to small for her bumbo chair but since she can hold up her head really well we thought we would give it a try. How cute is she :)

Christmas Tree

On Sunday we went up to Gertens in the cities to pick out our chritmas tree.


On Saturday we went to visit Santa at the mall. Olivia & him both fell asleep reading "The Night Before Christmas" :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Olivia's new hat....

So happy......
Olivia has a question....when can I take this off mom!!!!

I love to smile and talk now....

Me and my kitty dress....

I got dressed up on Thanksgiving in my kitty dress
Grandma, Great Grandma, Mom, and Me Auntie Vickie and Me

I can hold toys now!!!