

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Overalls...

Our little cutie is getting so big!
Check out my sweet pumas!

My new sheets!

Check out my new sheets....they say my name! I can study how to spell my name in my sleep now! Thank you Addio!
My new favorite thing is to eat my hands....they are ALWAYS in my mouth!

I love my Lucy :)

Lucy has come to love miss Olivia. She is always sitting by her and watching her like a big sister. She always has to make sure that she is OK. Lily our other cat is another story! She will come next to her but keeps her distance when Olivia makes too many moves with her arms or legs :)

Look at me!

I can hold my head up really good now!

My Exersaucer...

I am big enough to play in my exersaucer now! It is lots of fun! Thanks Katy and Mando!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hello Everyone!

Some times you just have a bad hair day.....

Some times this is how Olivia's hair looks when I go to get her up in the morning......yikes!

My Friends Ellie and Addison....

A few weekends ago we traveled up to the cities with Amanda and Addison to visit Bethany and Ellie. We ate chinese food and had a lot of fun! Then we drove home in a snow storm!

I'm 3 months old now!!!

Today we got Olivia's 3 month pictures taken. I can't believe she is already that old! She is getting so big! Here are a few of our favorites....