

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My First Haircut!!!!!!

Olivia is not quite 5 months old but was sick of sporting the baby mullet look so we went to visit Margaret at the salon to get our first haircut. It was kind of sad to have to cut her hair already but she did really good and loved looking at herself in the mirror while she was getting it done....double trouble if we are already liking the salon! Now we look like a big girl and have some bangs! We are ready for our close up now...bring on the runway!
BEFORE.......look how long my hair was!
Not too sure about this!
Looking at myself in the big mirror.
Eating Margaret's comb
All done!
No more mullet!
So cute!
Check out my bangs!

Getting stronger!

I am getting really good at being on my stomach now.....even though I still don't like it very much. I even kick my legs back and forth now too like I want to crawl....although I don't move at all yet!......which is good for mom and dad!

I found my feet...

I found my feet last week and that is all I do now! I always have one or both in my hands....If only we could all be as flexible as a baby!
Socks don't last long anymore now that I can just pull them off....or eat them!

My Jumparoo!

I just got a jumparoo with some of my baptism and Christmas money from everyone! My feet are almost long enough to sit flat on the ground so before you know it I will be jumping like a kangaroo! It plays music and lights up and has a lot of fun new toys. It is so much fun!


Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel came to visit me the other weekend. They didn't get to stay long but will be back again in 2 weeks now for longer!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Uh Oh....

No I am not currently homeless....Lucy ate my socks....2 pairs of them! We thought we could save these ones but as the day went on Olivia's little toe kept sticking out farther and farther! I guess we will be making a trip to the mall to get some new ones this weekend!

Valentines Day.....

Grandma V. and me
Grandpa V. and me
Great Granny and me
Auntie Vickie and me
Vickie, Olivia, Jackie, and Kristin
Me and my second cousin Fiona
Daddy and me
Mommy and me
Me and mom's cousin Erin

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Double Trouble!

One of Olivia's best friends Addison picked her up to go shopping today......now all they need to do is find their other friend Ellie! I think we are in trouble if they already like to shop at such a young age!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Rice Cereal!!!

Olivia is 4 months old now and we thought we would try some rice cereal. She made some funny faces but gave it a try and some of it actually ended up staying in her mouth.....I think :) She is getting way too big too fast for us!
Here we go!
Olivia trying to help
yum yum!
Since we grab everything now it made it a little difficult for mom!
Some of it actually got in my mouth.....most did not :)
I made some funny faces....
All done! Look at my messy face!

Nice hair.....:)

This is what I look like after a bath before mom combs my hair....yikes!