

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bubble bath!

Olivia had her first bubble bath the other day! She had lots of fun playing in all of the bubbles! Now if mom only had time to take one!

My sweet shades....

This weekend at the mall Olivia got some new shades. Now she is ready for summer to come...hopefully it will come sooner than later! Maybe she will keep them on her face long enough to enjoy the sun when it finally decides to come out!
I think she would rather eat them than wear them!

The mirror....

I love to look at myself in the mirrow now.....

My Friend Ellie!

We went up to the Mall of America to get out of the house last weekend and look who we ran into....one of my best friends Ellie!!! We were so excited to see her. We will be best shopping buddies when we are older for sure!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

5 Months Old!

I like to spit and make noises with my lips now....I would like to know who taught her that one because it is ALL WE DO now and it is really fun when you are trying to feed her her cereal or vegetables and they all come flying back out in your face!
Hanging out in my chair

Smiles for everyone!

Little Miss...

Since Daddy's nick name is "Little Mister" Olivia's friend Addison got her a t-shirt with "Lil' Miss" on it and it FINALLLY fits...so I guess the nick name fits perfect! Here she is sporting her awesome shirt....Thanks Addio!
What kind of face is this???
I am a loud mouth!

Fun with Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel...

Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel came to visit me for 5 days! We had lots of fun as you can see by all of our smiles! Hopefully they will come back soon!