

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My very own swing!

Since Olivia had so much fun at the park we decided to get her a swing of her own....and a pink one at that! We hung it on our deck and are out using it every chance we get! Now if it would stop raining we could get back out there!

On the move!!!!

Olivia started crawling about a week ago and gets faster every day! Not only did she start crawling but also started pulling herself up on everything!!! This girl is going to be walking before we know it!
Chasing Lucy...
Look at me! I am getting better and better at pulling myself up on things! SCARY!!!
Getting into trouble!

I can sit up all by myself now!

Olivia is crawling around the house now and sitting up all by herself! She is too strong for her own good! This lady never stops! Every day it is something new with her! She needs to slow down before she makes mom too sad!
She was probably sassying off here....miss attitude already!
So proud of herself!
Our little cutie!
Big smiles!
I think she was waiting for someone to come over and visit us!

I love to read!

Olivia loves to look at and read books. Here she is reading some of her favorites....

Fun at the park...

We took Olivia to the park last week and she got to try out the swing. She loved it!!! Here are some shots of her having some fun....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Bunny!

Before we went to Illinois for the a suprise Easter weekend visit we stopped by to meet the Easter bunny at the mall. Olivia loved him as you can see by her smiles! We'll see what she is like next year...hopefully she will still be smiling and not screaming!

Easter eggs!!!

On Saturday we all dyed Easter eggs at Grandpa and Grandma Stenzels. Check out our fabulous egg dying skills.......
Getting ready to dye an egg. Olivia made a pink one! ...then she had fun watching her cousin Kade do the rest!
All lined up and ready to go! What a crew! Notice Kade and Noelle are dressed to work with colored dye! Olivia was not so much allowed to touch the dye.....or it would have ended up on the floor!
Check out loud mouth on the left!
They were too cute!
Dad and Olivia and the pretty eggs! She seems very happy with her work!
Mom and Olivia. Check out her pink egg in the front!
Grandma and Olivia
Kade, Grandma, Olivia and Grandpa after all of their hard work!

Me and my cousin Noelle....

Olivia and her cousin Noelle are about 6 months apart. They were too cute together! Here they are in their purple Easter dresses all tuckered out and ready for naps! Too cute!
They will be best buddies as they grow up and probably get into a lot of trouble together!

Wagon riding with Grandpa Stenzel...

On Saturday, Grandpa Stenzel took the kiddos for a ride in the wagon because it was so nice out. All 3 of them fit in there just perfect and they had lots of fun! This was Olivia's first wagon ride. She got one for Christmas from Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel and now we are super excited to try it out!