

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our little 9 month princess!

Picking flowers out of the landscaping and so proud of it! Then she eats them!
Always a happy girl!
I'm getting tall enough to peak out my window!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My first trip to the pool!

Vickie got us passes to go to the Athletic club today so we went swimming and played in the kids indoor area. We had so much fun and Olivia swam for an hour and a half! She loved the pool!
She stayed pretty close to dad right away but warmed up really fast as soon as we got her lady bug float out.
Having so much fun in her lady bug!
She didn't want to get out!
Olivia and mommy in the indoor pool. This was as warm as bath water! Much better for mommy....not so much for dad!
Olivia and Auntie Vickie having some fun!
After swimming we played in the indoor area for kids. There was so much to do and Olivia was so tired but kept crawling all around and didn't want to leave! We finally made her go home and she was out when we got to the car!
On the trampoline!
Climbing in the indoor jungle gym
Going down the slide with Auntie Vickie
Riding the "roller coaster"
Hi Everyone!
Climbing out the back of the police car...I hope this isn't forshadowing for the future!
Riding on the airplane

My first trip to Dairy Queen!

I took the afternoon off work on Friday and we took Olivia to the Dairy Queen before Chris had to go to work. She loves ice cream! She wasn't used to the cold taste though so she made some funny faces.....and a mess!
It was really warm out so it melted pretty fast...all over her face!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Matching outfits!

Grandma Stenzel made the girls matching outfits and they were adorable! Here they are wearing their yellow ones!
We had to have matching hats too of course!
Thanks for my new outfit Grandma!
Olivia eating her shoes.....nice :)

Happy Fourth of July!!!

We had everyone over for the fourth of July for a cookout, some yard games, and fireworks. We had tons of fun! Here are some pictures from the day.....

Everyone hanging out on the deck after dinner
Everyone enjoyed the sparklers!
Vickie, Grandpa Volden, and Olivia
Mommy and Olivia....she loved these things!
Kade didn't know quite what to think at first but then had a blast!
Grandma Volden, Olivia, and me
We had some serious competition going on with the yard games.....it was very intense!
Chris and Grandma Stenzel playing blongo ball
We had 2 games going at once....
Olivia watching the yard games from her pack and play.....that lasted about 15 minutes and then she had to break out!
Olivia and Grandpa Volden
Vickie and Matt
Grandma Volden and Olivia after some swimming
Mommy and Olivia
Olivia, Kade, and Noelle swimming in the pool
So much fun!
Get out of my pool daddy!
Kade and Olivia could have stayed in the pool all night for how much they loved it!
Are you suppose to be up here???
Getting ready to swim with Auntie Vickie
These girls were so cute together and gave lots of hugs!