

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My tutu!

We ordered Olivia a tutu for her birthday party and for her one year pictures but we couldn't wait to try it on and take some pictures ourselves! It turned out so cute and she LOVES wearing it! Here are some of the pictures we took of our tutu princess!
My favorite!
So big!


Now when ever we go to the mall Olivia has to ride on one of the rides. We stopped at an outlet mall on the way home from IL and she saw this car and had to ride it! I guess we will have to make sure we have quarters in our wallets when ever we go shopping now!

Weidman Wedding

Last weekend we went to Aaron and Jen's wedding in IL. It was a loooooooooooong drive but we managed to make it there and back in one piece with the help of Auntie Vickie to babysit! We had a lot of fun. Here are some of the pics from our trip....
The girls in their matching dresses......how cute!
They are always so cute together giving hugs and kisses
Little loud mouth miss at the wedding. She wanted to make it known that she was there!
Family Pic
The whole Stenzel group!

Monday, September 21, 2009

House of Bounce!

On Sunday we had Addison's 3rd Birthday party at the "House of Bounce." We had never been there before but it was so much fun! The whole building is full of inflatable toys to bounce and play in. Olivia was even able to walk on the bouncey toys pretty well! Here are some pictures of the fun time we had! Happy Birthday Addio!
Bouncin' around....
They had an inflatable area for little kids...no adults allowed! We weren't sure how Olivia would do but she didn't even care that we weren't right there with her...she's a big girl now you know :) She ran around and had a great time all by herself!
Look...I found a ball! Who can I throw this at!
The birthday girl going down the big slide!
Chris taking Olivia down the big slide!
Liv in the little kid area again
All by herself this time!
Hi Mom and Dad!
Sliding with mom!
Sliding with Dad after going through the obstacle course!
She thought this monkey was pretty funny!
Hanging out with Ellie!
You caught me trying to run away!
Addison gave all of the girls Princess crowns and Liv loved hers!
The 3 ladies after a hard day of bouncing! Addison 3, Ellie 2, and Liv almost the big 1! Thanks for a good time! We will have to go again soon!

My first ride!

On Saturday we went up to the cities for our friend Ellie's 2nd Birthday party. We had so much fun! Before we headed home we went to the Mall of America......shocking I know :) with Amanda and Addison. Olivia got to ride the Merry-Go-Round! She loved it! We will have to go on it every time we go now I'm sure!
Trying to decide which animal we wanted to ride!
We picked the zebra!
It actually went really fast!
Addison and Amanda!
Getting so tired.....but kept on waving to everyone!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

11 months old!!! One month to go before the big 1!

One month to go before Miss Olivia turns the big 1! We can't believe how fast our little peanut has grown! Here are some pictures of her at 11 months old.....