

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My new sled!

We got a chance to try out Olivia's new sled last weekend and she LOVED it! She had so much fun and kicked and screamed when we brought her inside because her cheeks were bright red from falling face first in the snow too many times! At least one of us is enjoying all of this snow!
Align Center

Merry Christmas!

Olivia LOVES her dancing and singing Christmas snowman and reindeer. She will turn these things on and dance and twirl around until she's dizzy! Thank you Grandpa Volden for buying me these and Merry Christmas everyone! Safe travels to all of you in our blizzard!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My first pair of heels!!!!!

Well you all knew it would happen sooner or later.....Liv got her first pair of heels! We were out shopping this weekend and picked out some high heels for Liv's friends Addison and Ellie for Christmas....hopefully they haven't learned to read or they will know what they are getting if they look at our blog :) They were buy 2 get one free so we picked out a pair for Olivia thinking we would just keep them in the closet for later......boy were we wrong! After a couple of minutes she got the hang of them.....even though they were HUGE on her! She was litterally running around the house in them in the kitchen because they made noise when she walked. She would not take them off! She kept holding her foot in the air for Chris to see her pretty new shoes. It was so funny! After seeing the red marks on her feet from wearing them all night, I had to hide them at bed time!
So excited!
So fancey :).....and HUGE!
Guess we'll have to get her some more!


Last year Olivia slept through santa and this year he was not her biggest fan! She was kind of afraid of him this year. As you can see she is on my lap and I am ducking behind santa! We did get one of just her and santa but she was about as excited as she is in this one! Maybe next year :) She'll appreciate this picture later in life!

Auntie Vickie's graduation!

On Friday we went to Winona State for Vickie's graduation ceremony. It was the first time I had been back since I graduated there.....so many changes since then! It was fun trying to keep Olivia entertained! Congratulations Vickie!
The proud graduate!
Family pic!
Auntie Vickie is Liv's favorite person!
Vickie and my granny and grandpa
Vickie and Matt's family
Us and Vickie

14 Months Old!

We are 14 months old now....attitude getting bigger every day. Here she is modeling her new Christmas outfits....
She is always sticking her tongue out these days...wonder where she learned that!
So happy!
This is the face of trouble! We know it all too well!
Such a big girl!

The shirt says it all!

I saw this shirt in the store and had to get it! It was so perfect!

Monday, December 7, 2009


On Sunday my mom came over to try and get a picture of all of us for our Christmas card this year. We got all ready....put Olivia's Christmas dress on....and she wanted nothing to do with pictures at all. She would not sit down with us and kept throwing her little temper tantroms that she oh so loves to do now. Here she is after throwing herself on the floor. After this she got on her knees and burried her head in the floor screaming. If this is what she is like at 14 months old.....I can't wait for the terrible 2's! We are in for it for sure!
She looks so big here! I thought the saying was "Big girls don't cry".....guess that's not true!

Christmas Cookies!

On Saturday My Mom, sister, and Me made our annual Christmas cookies.....Liv helped out too. We made a lot of different kinds and even tried out some new ones. After 12 hours....we finally finished! It was a long day but we had a lot of fun! If you need some sugar....come on over!
Liv testing out the chocolate pretzels to make sure they taste good before we give them to people....why didn't I get this job!
yep.....they pass the taste test!
All of our cookies!
New ones this year!
Check out those decorating skills!
We also tried gingerbread men this year. They were fun to decorate!
Liv and Grandma

Shopping anyone???

I gave Olivia an old purse of mine and she carries this thing around ALL DAY now. She also always has to have her boots on and all of her necklaces now. She is quite the fashionista!

Big Helper....

Last weekend we put up our Christmas tree.....in the corner....blocked by the furniture.....so little hands can't take off all of the ornaments :) Olivia was pulling the lights all around the living room and thought they were great. What a good helper she was. I would put an ornament on....she would take one off.....we eventually got the whole thing decorated and everything on! At least she was having fun!
She now smiles and says "cheese" when you take her picture. What a ham!
Being silly!