

Saturday, July 17, 2010

21 months old!

We finally got some 21 month pictures taken this weekend and were able to do some outside since it wasn't raining and we had some free time! She wasn't very cooperative at first but on the second try we got some good ones. Here's our photo shoot with our little diva with an attitude.........

4th of July!

We got to go to 2 fireworks shows this year on the 4th of July. Ours were postponed in Rochester because of rain so we headed to Stewartvilles on the 4th and then got to see Rochesters on the 5th. Olivia was making "boom" noises the whole way there like the fireworks because she was so excited!
Liv, Grandma, and Great Granny waiting for the show to start in Stewartville!
Liv, me, Chris, and Vickie in Stewartville.
Liv eating her cookies that she got to put the sprinkles on with Auntie.
Liv kept saying "big!" "pretty"
Liv and Great Granny at the Rochester fireworks.
Me, Joel, Erin, Grandma, Great Granny, and Liv waiting for the Rochester fireworks to start.
My Grandpa and Andrea waiting for the Rochester fireworks to start.

Sidewalk Chalk....

Olivia's new favorite summer outside activity is sidewalk chalk. She is quite the artist :) Here she is coloring away.........
I guess white shorts weren't the best idea to wear when working with chalk!

Me and Daddy :)

Better late than never but I think we took these back on Father's Day :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My princess pool!

It was really hot out tonight so Olivia wanted to go swimming. She had gotten a new princess pool this year so she was pretty excited. Come on over for a pool party soon everyone!

Me and my best friends!

On Tuesday night, Amanda, Me, Olivia, and Addison took a road trip up to the cities to visit our friends Bethany and Ellie. The girls had a great time and the Applebees crew that had to serve us had even more fun I think! I don't know how we didn't get kicked out! Maybe that's why they put us in the back corner! Thanks for a fun night girls!
The 3 Amigas.....Ellie girl, Addison, and Liv Olivia was reading them a book.....
Liv taking Ellie for a ride!
Double trouble!


Last friday my mom, Vickie, and I took Olivia to the parade. There were some bad storms rolling in so they had to cancel it 6 floats in! First time the parade has ever been canceled! Good thing we sat where it started or we wouldn't have seen any of it! Olivia didn't know the difference and had fun anyways :)
She was so excited for the parade! Maybe next year!
waiting for the parade to start with Grandma and Auntie...
loving her STICKY sucker! Even though we only saw 6 floats she got quite a bit of candy!