

Sunday, March 27, 2011

2 Months old!

Growing like a weed....here is Peyton at 2 months old! She still sleeps a lot but when she is awake she is "talking" and smiling at us a lot. She is just starting to notice her hands now and stares at them and can also stand up on her legs if we hold her arms. She's a strong little thing just like her big sister was!
Big girl!
Uh....mom....I'm falling over!


Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel came to visit us this weekend and we had lots of fun! After hanging out with crazy wild Olivia....Grandpa and Grandma might need to take a week long nap! Thanks for coming to see us!
Every morning Olivia had to read the Cabelas book with Grandpa and look at the fishies :)
Grandma and Peyton
Grandpa and Peyton
Peyton likes to sleep :)
The girls with Grandpa and Grandma
Olivia being Olivia :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Best friends in the making!

Last weekend Bethany and Amanda came to visit and brought all the kiddos to play. Needless to say....Tate was a little out numbered being the only boy! As always when we get together.....it was a lot of fun, a little crazy, and a tad bit loud :) Thanks for a fun day girls....and Tate!
The big girls...Ellie, Addison, and Olivia
The babies....Tate, Peyton, and Molly

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Olivia LOVES to sing! Here she is doing one of her favorites...the ABC's!

Hi Everyone!

Peyton has been "talking" to us a lot lately. Here is a little snapshot of her!

Twinkle Twinkle

Can you find Peyton?

Yesterday when I came out of the kitchen I saw that Peyton had a few new friends playing with her. I asked Olivia what was going on and she said "Peyton's little sisters wanted to play too." She even covered Peyton up with her dolls blanket.....which was originally up to her nose so we had to pull it down a little :) How funny is the mind of a two-year-old :) Usually Olivia is the one to crawl under there with her!


I took Olivia to get her first library card the other day. She was so excited and had fun picking out her books and playing with the games they had. I'm sure this will be the first of many trips we take here!
We're here! Liv is really into wearing her sunglasses everywhere these days :) She didn't even want to take them off when we were inside the library! I guess they fit her little diva attitude these days :)
They had lots of magnetic tables to play with that she really liked.
Checking out the Dr. Suess books.
Here she is with her bag all filled up with the books she picked out.
They even had her favorite computers to play with!
We even found a Dora movie to borrow!
Peyton had a lot of fun too :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I love having a sister and I know these little ladies will feel the same way! Who better to share clothes, gossip, shopping, and secrets with! Here's to some sisterly love :)..........
Our little lady!
Our Sassy lady!
She loves her baby sister :)
Sisters :)

My new quilt!

Grandma Volden made Peyton a baby quilt. It turned out super cute and will keep her nice and warm :) She loves it and it looks great in her room. Thanks Grandma!