

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Peyton 5 months and big sister!

I love my feet!
Such a big girl!
Always has to be standing!
She's getting too big to hold!
Loud mouth just like her big sister!
Such a happy baby!
All smiles!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Today we tried cereal with Peyton and I think she really liked it! She did really well and ate it all up! She wasn't even really that messy....like I remember Olivia being :) Here are some pictures of her being a big girl in her highchair!
Liv was pretty excited and had to eat her muffins this morning with the same baby spoon as Peyton :) She even offered Peyton one of her bibs.....which was too big so she "saved it for next time" for her to use :)
Where's my food!
hmmmm......not so bad.
So excited to eat big girl food!
As messy as she got....when she was getting full!

Kids Disco Dance!

On Thursday night I took the girls and met Amanda and her girls at the Kids Disco party down town going on for Rochesterfest. They got to dress up, do some art, and dance the night away! The babies were so good and the big girls had so much fun....especially Liv, since her favorite thing to do is dance! Next week Liv starts dance class that she has been asking about every day for months now so this was a good practice night for her!
All dressed up and ready to go!
They had balloons everywhere for the kids to dance and play in.
Liv and Addio!
The whole crew....Addison, Molly, Olivia, and Peyton.
Don't they look enthused :) They were so good sitting in their strollers all night just watching everyone and listening to the loud music and kids!
Peyton bug and Liv.
Getting their dance on!
The party was at the art center so here is Addison and Olivia making masks.
I'm such a good baby!
Dancing with Addio.
Spinning in circles until they fell over!
Hanging out....thinking of all the dance moves they are going to try out next year :)
Busting a move! She sang some of the songs they were playing the whole way home.
Break dancing :)
Thanks for the fun time Addio!