

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Easter Bunny!

We went and saw the Easter bunny tonight and Olivia was scared as usual.....I would be too.....but Peyton loved him! She kept petting him and smiling. I was shocked! We actually got them to be in a picture all by themselves for the first time EVER! This is as close as Olivia would get so we couldn't quite fit the whole Easter bunny in the picture but we'll take it! Baby steps :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Getting ready for Easter!

Liv decorated our Easter tree this week......
Poor Peyton.....next year you can help too! All done!

Illinois weekend....

Last weekend we went to Illinois for Karter's first birthday and we had lots of fun! Here are some pictures from our trip!
The girls and Grandma and Grandpa! Chris and Kim
On Saturday we went to visit Chris's grandma for pizza and cake! We had the whole room to ourselves and there was only one table set up in the middle so the kids had a great time running around in circles playing tag. Peyton even ran around in circles laughing with the older 3 trying to keep up!
The kiddos....Liv, Noelle, Peyton, Kade, and Karter.

I LOVE spaghetti!

Peyton LOVES spaghetti or anything with noodles just like her big sister and insists on eating it herself....and is really good with a fork......but.......this is what she looks like when she's done eating it!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Outside fun!

Is it March or July??? The weather has been so nice and we have been taking full advantage of it this week! From bike rides, to walks, to parks, and freezies.....we are loving the sunshine! Here's what we've been up to......
The girls enjoying some freezies. More of Peyton's ended up on the ground and her shirt :)
Gearing up for baseball season!
Playing at the park!
Loving the park!

Tunnel fun!

Peyton got this super cute butterfly tunnel from her cousins for Christmas and the girls have so much fun with it! They love to chase each other through it and laugh the entire time!

Peyton 13 months and Livy Lu!

Growing like a weed....including her little personality.....Peyton is 13 months old! She is such a funny little girl and everything you ask her she shakes her head yes.....lets hope this continues as she gets older :) Once she decided to let go of the furniture she had been walking along for months....she took off! Of course this happened while Chris was away in Malaysia for almost 2 weeks for work so we had to send him daily videos. He came back to a walker and now she is running around. Crazy how they take off so fast! Here are some pictures of the little miss and her big sister!
She did not want to sit in this chair! Livy always likes her picture taken though!
Getting so big!
Her new favorite thing is to ride her lamb. She can get on it herself and thinks it's so fun!
Showing off her teeth....she's getting her molars too now!
She kept pushing Livy out of her face.....like get out of here! :)
She loves climbing on chairs.
Even if it's the wrong way!
She also loves reading books and we read them every night!
Can't believe how tall she is getting!
Silly girl!
running around!
She LOVES getting into any drawer she can get into now! Especially this one.....socks!
On the move!
Check out her first pony tail!
It sticks straight up :)