

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Peyton's mad face!

Peyton has been making this mad face at us for quite some time now but I've never been able to catch it on camera. The other night she just kept doing it over and over and laughing so I quick got the camera out! I don't know where she learned to do this but it is hilarious.....and she thinks so too! Funny thing is that she knows when to use this look for real too because if she is annoyed with you calling her name over and over or she gets in trouble she will turn and look at you with this look as if she is saying WHAT! She is such a funny little girl!
Don't mess with this girl!
Most of the time she does it at dinner. She will do it over and over and pan the whole table of all of us with this look. We all laugh so hard at her and she can't keep from laughing too. Then she will do it all over again!
This girl cracks me up!

14 Months Old!

This little lady is 14 months old! She is turning into quite the character here lately and is funny to watch and listen to. She now says hi, bye-bye, uh oh, all done, and her new one she learned on Easter from Auntie Vickie.... "I got it." Who needs words when you can say sentences :) Her and big sister have really started playing well together and it's fun to watch them laugh and get along so well. They have so much fun together! Here are some new pics of the little miss and Liv......
loud mouth.....I wonder where she learns that! She loves to point to everything.
CrAzY girl!
Getting so big!
Liv was making up silly words and then laughing hysterically at herself :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend!

We had a busy but fun Easter weekend this year. On Saturday we went to 2 different egg hunts and made a trip to the library, and on Sunday we went to Easter at my parent's house. Here are some pictures of our fun.....
Waiting to start their first egg hunt! Ready to run!
The kids were lucky to get one egg at this hunt because there were so many kids and not many eggs but they did get a huge bag of candy at the end so then they were happy again :)
Look at all of my candy!......that I can't even eat :)
We went to a second egg hunt and the Easter bunny was there......Olivia was not thrilled but took a picture with him as long as she could sit in her stroller :)
Luckily at this egg hunt.....every kid got LOTS of eggs!
Much happier this time!
Since we were down town already we stopped at the library.....Peyton loves to play with all of the toys they have.
Liv's favorite is the computer :)
Picking out some books to read!
dying Easter eggs
Finally got to hold an egg.......it made it about 15 seconds before being cracked :)
Putting stickers on
She wanted a picture with every egg :)
Finished product! Love that they are sitting the exact same way :)
Carrots for the Easter bunny......we had to put them outside because she was worried he would come in our house :)
Easter morning ......finding eggs!
got one!
found her big one with a new cabbage patch doll in it!
Girls with their Easter baskets!
Opening Easter eggs!
Checking out her basket!
Doing her new puzzles......She loves to throw them across the room....she has a good arm!
Feeding her new baby :)
Still opening eggs!
Liv got lots of new stamps, books, and the fresh beat band cd.....her favorite :)
Baskets from Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel!
We made doughnuts for breakfast....Peyton liked them!
Liv liked the frosting :)
Dressed and ready for Easter!
Baskets from Grandma and Grandpa Volden!
She's been wanting this book forever!
The girls with Grandma and Grandpa!