

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Livy Lu....almost 4!

I can not believe this girl is almost 4!  Seriously?!?  We are just starting to plan her birthday party and this year she wants a cinderella party.  She loves barbies and all she keeps talking about is a barbie house.  We are going to attempt to make one so we'll see how it turns out!  She is turning into a little lady and it is funny to hear her say some of the things that she does.  She is a great big helper and big sister.  She starts dance class all by herself tonight at a new studio and will start Sunday school at the end of the month.  She is really excited for both!  Here are some pictures we took the other night to put on her birthday invitations.....

 When ever we take pictures now she always wants to do a silly face :)
 so grown up!

Peyton 19 Months

Our little lady is 19 months old!  She is a sweet, sassy, fun little lady and makes us laugh all the time!  Besides her favorite word "NO!" she is now putting words together and it is so cute.  "Hi Mommy!" "Where Daddy go?" "No Tank you"  and my favorite things she says are "K" (ok) "Uh huh!" and "Buh By E Momma!" She is turning into a little toddler.  One of my favorite things is to just watch her run as fast as she can with the biggest smile on her face to something she gets excited about.  Her little legs get going so fast as they can go.  Usually it's for a "nack" (snack) or to go outside, get her dolly, etc.  She definitely has a little temper too....which is hilarious to just watch her get all worked up....funny because I don't remember laughing when Olivia did it at this age :)  She also LOVES to dance.  She yells "Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy!" and will make sure you are watching her.  Then she will push a button on something that plays music and dance in a circle lifting one leg up and down.  It is so funny and I will try and get it on tape.  She will do this over and over and over and always has to make sure you are watching her.  We start Mommy and Me dance classes in a month and I think she is definitely going to like it!  Here are some new pictures of the little lady......

 She loves to wear pig tails now

 Love this big smile!

 How could you ever get mad at this little face :)  Which is why we probably laugh at her when she is naughty instead :)

 Peyt LOVES her baby....and that is an understatement!  We don't go anywhere without her! This is the first thing she runs to when we get home from daycare, the thing she snuggles with at night, and who she tucks in all snug and tight when we leave in the morning during the work week.  When we get home she runs to her room yelling "baby!" and says "shhhh" with her finger up to her mouth to when we walk in the room because she is sleeping. 

 She loves to give her kisses

 Getting so big!
With big sister Liv!

Labor day weekend

We went and visited everyone in Illinois this past labor day weekend and had so much fun.  We celebrated Kade's 6th Birthday and had lots of fun out at the cabin.  Olivia had SO MUCH FUN riding on the mule with all of her cousins all through the woods and said her favorite part of the weekend was "Having a sleepover at grandma and grandpa's house!"  We didn't take a lot of pictures but here are a few.  Thanks for a fun weekend!
 All of the kids having breakfast with grandpa at the cabin.  Carter, Peyton, Grandpa, Hailey, Kade, Olivia, and Noelle.
 Off for a ride on the mule!
 The drivers

Off they go!