

Sunday, July 21, 2013

4th of July Weekend!

We had a fun and busy 4th of July weekend!  Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel came to visit us right on the 4th of July.  We took them to Oxbow Park in the morning and the fireworks at night.  On Friday, the girls and I took Grandma to the Library and McDonalds Playland while Chris and his dad went golfing.  Then on Saturday we had our fourth of July cookout with everyone.  We ate tons of good food and had some fireworks when it got dark.   Like I said....we had a fun and busy weekend!  Here are some pictures of the things we did......
 Liv looking at the badger at Oxbow
 Peyt and Daddy looking at the badger
 Grils with Grandma and Grandpa

 Liv feeding the goats

 and now the horses....

 The girls got to swim in their pool a lot this weekend!
It was hot!
 Peyt loves to slide!

 Liv's getting a little big for the slide....we made need to upgrade next year!

 Nails all ready for the 4th of July!

 Waiting for the fireworks to start.  They've got their glowsticks, blankets, and snacks.

 The crew waiting for the fireworks

 Granny getting her bean bags toss on at the cookout!  She was really good!
 Peyt doing snaps on the ground
 Liv doing snaps!

 Sparklers gone bad.....Peyt took the sparkler and then wanted to give it back.....only she then grabbed the end of it and completely burnt her hand....poor thing :(
 Freezies and bandaids always make things better!  Her hand has actually healed up really nice by now....thank goodness!
 Vickie and Granny playing ladderball
 Frank and Chris getting ready for the fireworks display.....it was a good one this year!
 Grandma and Livy doing a little night time swinging
Getting our game on!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Someone learned to pedal!

Peyton learned to pedal her tricycle all by herself!  Now she rides around like nobody's business :)  She had a little spill coming down the driveway when she turned too fast and tipped over but when she's on flat ground does pretty good.....and wants no help from anyone else!  Getting so big!

 Riding with her best neighbor bud Sammy!
 Livy Lu will probably be ready to take her training wheels off soon too!

Getting so big! New pics of the girlies!

I know I say this all the time....but I can't believe how big these girls are getting!  Here are some new pictures that I took of them before they get even bigger on me.  They both love to get their hair done and run to the bathroom saying "Curl my hair Mommy!" when ever I am getting ready so we had to have a salon session before we took these pictures.....here are the little divas.....

 Liv will be starting preschool in the fall!

 This one is quite the little sassy pants lately....what are we going to do with her!