

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blizzard 2014

We are so sick of winter this year but that doesn't mean that we can't have a little fun with it!  Last week We all built this huge frosty the snowman after getting about 10 inches I snow and he's still standing strong....although we secretly wish he would start melting soon and the weather would warm up! Peyton kept getting stuck in the front yard because the snow was up past her knees! Here's hoping for no more blizzards and warm sunshine!  We have major cabin fever!

Peyton's 3 Year Pics!

I'm a little behind in posting these but here are Peyton's 3 year pictures!  What a huge difference a year makes!  Last year we were bribing her with smarties to sit by herself, let go of my leg, and to smile and this year she jumped right in and was posing away!  She has just gotten too big on us within this last year and her hair is getting so long!  Lately she is really into puzzles, playing on her leappad/our i-phones ("Can I play games on your phone?" is what we hear constantly) , and anything that has to do with the disney movie "Frozen."  We've been to the theatre twice to see it and she can be seen singing the song "Let it go" from the movie all day long.   She also loves going to dance class that her and I take together, the tv shows "Sofia the First" and "Doc Mc Stuffins"(or as she says...Doc McStuffings,") and she finally has stopped getting up in the middle of the night and sleeping in the hallway......with the help of a new pink lady bug night light.....thank goodnes!  She makes us laugh on a daily basis and we love her to pieces!