

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Livy Lu's first day of kindergarten!

How is our baby girl in Kindergarten already!!!  She was so excited to go to school and absolutely loves it and her teacher, Ms. Gaard so far!  She is having lots of fun doing everything a kindergartener does: music, art, gym class, computer lab, and is making lots of new friends.  Here are some pictures from meet the teacher night and her first day!  Now we just have to work on drinking out of a milk carton....she's afraid she will get cardboard in her mouth....silly girl :)

 Finding her locker cubby at meet the teacher night.

 Little sister was a little sad to see her leave daycare and took it the hardest :(

 It took this girl forever to pick out just the right backpack but she finally decided on a pink cheetah print one.

 Peyt had to have her picture taken too of course :)

All ready to go!  She heard the bell  ring and took off mid picture!  I was like noooo just wait a second :(  We walked her inside and she jetted down the hall immediately with the line of kindergarteners.  I had to hold back the tears for just a second but I knew she would be just fine when she didn't even look back!

Summer Visit to Illinois!

We had a fun trip to Illinois the weekend before school started.  We celebrated Kade's birthday, played with everyone out at the cabin, and got to go to our first splash pad.  Why does summer have to end already!
 Going for a ride with grandpa.
 Having fun at the splash pad!

 Picnic at the park after the splash pad

 Quite the gang!

We stopped in Wisconsin Dells on the way home for a little fun at the game place!