

Sunday, May 31, 2009

MN Zoo!

On Saturday we took a trip to the MN Zoo. We had a lot of fun and Olivia loved looking at all of the animals. We will have to go again soon!
This kitty is way bigger than Lucy!
Olivia and Dad looking at the otters. I think these were her favorite animals because they ran around so fast playing with each other and splashing in the water. They were crazy....just like her!
Olivia loves fish tanks so she was so excited to look in the BIG fish tank at the zoo with all of the sharks and tropical fish.......
Olivia got to pet and feed the goats on the family farm. She loved them! Here are some pictures of her and the goats......
Riding the big tractor by the farm animals
The zoo now has Africa animals. Here are the giraffes.
Olivia and Dad looking at the giraffes
The HUGE Grizzly bears!
They swam right up to us!

We had a fun day but it was time to go home!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My wagon

For Christmas, Olivia got a wagon from Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel. She is finally big enough and it is finally nice enough out to use it. She LOVES it and had so much fun. She was so funny when we were out for a ride. She leaned back and put her feet up on the empty seat on the other side like she was lounging. Too funny!
Check out my pony tail blowing in the wind!
Going for a stroll with Dad.
Good thing she has her sweet shades to block all of that sun!.....that she kept on for a whole 2 seconds!
Thanks for my wagon Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel! Next time you come you'll have to take me for a ride!

My pony tail....

Well we've moved on from barettes. Olivia's hair is long enough for a pony tail now.....I think it was before but she wouldn't sit still long enough for me to put one in! She looks like such a big girl now!

Taking a nap with Dad...

Olivia was worn out and apparently so was Chris. He went to put her to sleep and I came back to find them both out!

Girls shopping trip...

On Saturday Olivia and I went on a girls shopping trip with my mom, sister, aunts, grandma, and cousins to Albertville outlet mall. We had so much fun and bought lots of new things......when things are half the price you can buy twice as much right???
Car ride up to the mall
Olivia was so good having to ride in her stroller all day long. She is a great little shopper!......not a good sign for dad! Olivia and mommy!
Auntie Vickie and cousin Erin blowing bubbles for Olivia
She loved the bubbles!
The girls! Me, Olivia, Vickie, Erin, and Jackie
After shopping all day we all went back to my cousin Jackie's house and she made us dinner. It was so good! Thanks Jackie! From left to right: Mary, Jackie, Granny, Kristin, Olivia, Vickie, Andrea, Chris, Erin, and Karen. Thanks for a fun day ladies!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

7 months old!

We can't believe that Olivia is over 7 months old already! Where has the time gone? We thought we better take some pictures of her before she is off to college!
Patty cake with Dad
Smiles :)
Excited??? She always makes the funniest faces!

And her favorite......screaming

My pretty dress...