

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Girls shopping trip...

On Saturday Olivia and I went on a girls shopping trip with my mom, sister, aunts, grandma, and cousins to Albertville outlet mall. We had so much fun and bought lots of new things......when things are half the price you can buy twice as much right???
Car ride up to the mall
Olivia was so good having to ride in her stroller all day long. She is a great little shopper!......not a good sign for dad! Olivia and mommy!
Auntie Vickie and cousin Erin blowing bubbles for Olivia
She loved the bubbles!
The girls! Me, Olivia, Vickie, Erin, and Jackie
After shopping all day we all went back to my cousin Jackie's house and she made us dinner. It was so good! Thanks Jackie! From left to right: Mary, Jackie, Granny, Kristin, Olivia, Vickie, Andrea, Chris, Erin, and Karen. Thanks for a fun day ladies!!!

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