

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cabin Fever!

Last week we packed up and went up North to our Cabin with the whole family. We had so much fun and didn't want to come home! Here are some pics of all of the fun we had.....
All packed up and ready to go!
Taking a break so I can strech my legs!....and so Grandma can gamble at the casino :) I won 10 cents! whoo hoo!
Grandma and Vickie
The whole crew! Chris, Olivia, Me, Matt, Vickie, Grandpa, and Grandma
Putting my hands in the lake and sand for the first time!
My first boat ride!!!
I hated my life jacket and screamed almost the whole time!
The boys going out fishing for the day.....they found the hot spot and caught 15 walleyes!
Chris, Matt, and Vickie with their walleyes after some night time fishing. The rest of us stayed inside where the bugs weren't!
Olivia found a hidden egg around the resort and won ice cream! She had plenty of that during the week and loved it!
Out for a stroll....
Driving the boat with Grandpa
She thought she was pretty hot stuff!
I loved the boat as long as I didn't have to wear that stupid life jacket!
Olivia had to take her nightly bath in the kitchen sink because we only had a shower. She had a blast!
Look what I got!
Olivia thought she needed to read the paper....good thing we already did because I don't think we could have gotten it back together when she was done with it!
Did a tornado come through here???
The lodge had a pool and we spent plenty of time here during the week. The water was actually pretty warm and our little swimmer could have stayed all day if we would have let her!
Practicing my back stroke!
So excited to swim!
There was a really nice playground for the kids and Olivia spent a lot of time here! Here she is with Auntie Vickie going down the slide.
Olivia in her favorite orange car swing. We spent at least an hour a day here for sure!
The boys holding all of the fish Olivia caught for the day :) Such a good fisher woman she is!
Family pic!
I learned to stick my tongue out this week and now I do it all the time.....great :)
Dad, Vickie, and Me out for a fun night!
A day at the beach!
My sand castle!
My beautiful butterfly castles....I tried to eat them!
Our beach beauty!
Look mom I found a shell!
Watching the sunset
Liv and Grandma
MMMM....diet coke :)
So happy to be on vacation!
We fed the ducks a few times. Olivia liked to feed herself the bread instead of giving it to the ducks though! It was too funny!
Quack Quack!
Looney tune
The sunsets were beautiful up here!
Do we have to go home???

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