

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We had a very busy but fun Halloween this year. It started off with Amanda and I doing the 5K Spirit run in the morning. It was FREEZING AND WINDY but we had fun! Here is us before we started trying to stay warm!
Olivia got all bundled up to come and watch me cross the finish line.
After the race we came home and carved pumpkins. Olivia had lots of fun digging in them and carrying the pieces around that we cut out.
Here dad....use this!
She kept carrying the tops around
She even kept trying to eat the pumpkins! She would bite a chunk off and then spit it out. It was really funny!
She also kept trying to climb IN the pumpkins.....her new favorite thing to do is climb into everything she can fit into.
After her nap she put her lady bug costume on. She was the cutest lady bug on the block!
Being silly!
She loved her costume and kept it on all day!
Our first stop trick-or-treating......great granny and grandpas
When we got back we lit up our pumpkins!
We took Olivia to a few neighbors trick-or-treating and then we went to grandpa and grandma's.
They had lots of goodies and filled up her bucket!
Trying to eat some of her candy through the wrapper. We hope you all had a great halloween!

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