

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas festivities!

Despite the snow storm this year, we managed to see almost everyone that we had planned to and had a great Christmas! Santa and all of our family were very good to Olivia and she got some great new things to play with. Our house now looks like a tornado every day because of it :) Thanks everyone!
Olivia loves her Erin!
Liv loved Erin and Joels bunny and had to give her kisses!
Opening her present from Joel....
It was a huge easel that she can draw and color on! We can't wait to use it! Thanks Joel!
Landon checking out her school bus she got from grandma and grandpa.
Best present ever!
Liv and mommy. Dad had to work Christmas eve so he didn't get to join in the fun with us! We missed him!
Singing Christmas carols??? Or just yelling.....
Playing with her blocks with Matt....
She came in bed to snuggle with us in the morning and we had to wake her up later because she was so exhausted from the night before! She was out!
Liv got a new play kitchen for Christmas from us. She loves to turn the grill on because it makes noise and flames! Come on over and she will whip you something up!
More play food!
Liv also got some new necklaces and bracelets. Now she is stylin'
I got a new camera for Christmas! It is so nice and I love it! I can't stop taking pictures now! This was the first picture I took and my favorite of them all!
After presents at our house we went to Grandma and Grandpa Voldens for breakfast and more presents!
Grandpa helping Olivia get everything out of her stocking...
Olivia got a red rocking chair just her size from them!
Clapping in her new chair...I think she likes it :)
Matt, Vickie, and Chris...
Looking at all of Liv's new Land Before time movies!
Too bad we don't look anything alike :)
Grandpa and Liv playing with her new Mr. Potato Head from Auntie Vickie and Matt...
Liv also got a tunnel from grandma and grandpa. She loves to watch Lucy run through and then chase her!
Auntie Vickie and Matt also got her a shopping cart! Spoiled :)
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for all of my great gifts!
Family pic!
Liv and her favorite person in the world!
After Christmas at my parents we went home, packed, and drove half way to Illinois and stayed over night in the dells for some family time since we don't get a lot of that anymore with Chris and I working opposite shifts. It was so nice to spend some time together and relax during the holiday craziness and then we were able to get up early and drive the rest of the way to Illinois in the snow to make it to all of the Stenzel family Christmas events! And surprize them too!
2 of my favorite people!
Our princess and her frog!
She loved going down this slide....and it was fast!
Her favorite was the wave pool because she could just swim. When the waves came they were huge! I don't know how she wasn't scared....I was :)
Of course we had to bring the necklaces with....
Liv got a new vacuum from Chris's aunt and uncle. She now loves to help vacuum the house when we do. It is so funny!
Liv and Grandpa Stenzel....
Chris's cousin Julie reading to Liv and Noelle....
Liv playing with Kade and Trevor....
All the "Big" kids :)
Getting ready to open presents at Grandma and Grandpa Stenzels that night.....as you can see...there were lots of them!
Liv holding her new phone and getting ready to see what was next!
Ice cream play food! She loves to make us all ice cream cones now!
Making ice cream cones with Grandma and Kade....
Olivia got Kade a football game for Christmas....
The girls got new pjs that they wore that night. They were too cute together in them!

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel for everything! And thank you to everyone for all of the fun times and wonderful food and gifts! We had a wonderful Christmas and hope you did too!

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