

Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm a big girl now!

Tonight I let Olivia eat at the table with me instead of on her tray. She thought she was a pretty big girl and actally did really good. She didn't dump everything out of her bowl until it was almost gone.........instead of right away :) I'm sure she will have to eat at the big girl table every time now!
She loved using her place mat that she got from Addison last summer! Thanks Addio!
Such a big girl!


Last weekend Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel came to visit! Olivia had lots of fun with them and we did too!
Grandma got plenty of practice reading books over the weekend....maybe she has them memorized now like we do!
Giving Grandpa some pretty necklaces to wear for the night!
Come back and visit any time!

Baking 101 with Olivia.....

Her #1 rule.........
Everything always tastes better with snacks!
We were making banana bread for the weekend and she loves to help stir so as she was stiring I turned and went to peel another banana....when I turned around she was laughing and had dumped her snack......puffs, yogurt melts, and goldfish......into the mixture! I think we got it all picked out before we baked it. Apparently she thought this would taste good!
Here she is saying "no no!" A little too late!
I wonder what she will come up with next time!


Olivia can't get enough sledding this winter! She loves it and we have a good hill....and definitely enough snow in our back yard for her to sled on. The other weekend we took her out.....only problem.....we can never get her back in!
Olivia and Chris getting ready to go down the hill...
There she goes!
Whoooooo Hoooooo!
Making snow angels......
The snow was so deep in our yard she could barely walk in it!
Covered in snow from head to toe!
While we were out, she saw her car that Addison let us borrow and we just had to get it out! Good thing it drives on snow and ice!
This is what happens when we make her come inside! I know.....we're so mean!

Monday, February 8, 2010

16 months old.....

Always sticking that tongue out!

My fort....

Some nights Olivia and I get bored and make forts in the living room. She thinks it's so much fun and will bring all of her toys in to play. The cats even love to come in and the thinks it is so funny! Who knew she could have so much fun with a couple of chairs and a sheet!
Pretending to sleep in her tent.
Playing house in her tent.

Starting her early.....

We always go the my parents house for the Superbowl and while the guys watch the game.....the girls gamble away with cards and dice. This year Olivia got into the action. After the first roll she was whipping the dice as hard as she could across the table....and taking them and running away so we would chase her. She had a blast and learned some great strategies from great grandma Jean. Like my grandpa said.....look at who her middle name is named after....of course she would already know how to gamble! We are starting her young!
Olivia helping Auntie roll. She would go from person to person just so she could help roll the dice!
The gambling group
Great Granny Jean showing Liv how to win!
Only 20 more years until she can go to treasure island!