

Monday, February 8, 2010

Starting her early.....

We always go the my parents house for the Superbowl and while the guys watch the game.....the girls gamble away with cards and dice. This year Olivia got into the action. After the first roll she was whipping the dice as hard as she could across the table....and taking them and running away so we would chase her. She had a blast and learned some great strategies from great grandma Jean. Like my grandpa said.....look at who her middle name is named after....of course she would already know how to gamble! We are starting her young!
Olivia helping Auntie roll. She would go from person to person just so she could help roll the dice!
The gambling group
Great Granny Jean showing Liv how to win!
Only 20 more years until she can go to treasure island!

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