

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cabin Fever 2010

We had lots of fun up North last week! Olivia was able to do a lot more this year and was little miss independent to say the least :) This year it was my parents and us that were able to go. Hopefully next year Auntie Vickie will be able to come too because Olivia missed having her there! Her favorite things to do this week were play at the beach and park, collect rocks and throw them in the water off of the dock, and go up to the lodge and get m & m's. Here are a lot of pictures from our trip..........
This was Olivia on the last morning before we left. We got up and ready, packed everything, and she still wouldn't get up! I guess that means she had a lot of fun and we wore her out!
Olivia actually loved the boat this year and had a lot of fun on her boat ride. Her life jacket fit her a lot better this year so I think that helped! Here she is with Grandpa, Chris, and Grandma.
There were so many loons and bald eagles this year on the lake. We got really close to some loons on our boat ride this night.
Mom and two baby loons
Riding with Daddy.
She even got brave enough to drive the boat with Grandpa!
She thought she was pretty cool :)
This is how she took her baths....in the kitchen sink! Next year she might be too big!
Swimming up at the pool with Daddy.
Swimming with Mommy. The water was a little chilly this day!
Headed to the beach......her favorite thing to do this week!
She wanted to give the ducks a hug.......I don't think they wanted one :)
Making a turtle in the sand.....she had more fun destroying him :)
Making a big castle. She stuck all of the sticks in and thought that was pretty fun.
Tah dah! All done!
She kept filling sand up and throwing it at Grandpa. She thought this was hilarious!
Grandma helping her fill up the sand to throw at Grandpa :)
Another day at the beach. Vacationing is tough work :)
Breaking moms castles!
Playing at the park in the car swing.
We spent a lot of time here every day.
A good day of walleye fishing :)
Liv liked the fishies.
She loved playing tether ball.
Showing me her peanuts. She had so much fun feeding the chipmunks all week. They loved her too!
Chasing the chipmunks.
Using her pink pole at the kids fishing contest.
She caught 3 fish.....and didn't like them very much :)
Group picture on the dock on our last night.
Family pic!

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