

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas day!

Christmas morning we got up and opened presents at our house and then went to Grandma and Grandpa Voldens house for more presents. Then it was off to LaCrosse to my dads side of the family to celebrate! Of course it was snowing again so the roads on the way were icey and a lot of people were in the ditch! Luckily we made it there and back safely and had a good time!
Santa came and brought Olivia a huge train set for Christmas!
She was a little tuckered out from Christmas eve so we had to wake her up Christmas morning :)
She was so excited to see her trains in the morning! I don't think she really knew what to do but had the biggest smile on her face!
Playing with her trains
She got playfood in her stocking and chocolate....which she wanted to eat all right away!
Merry Christmas Auntie!
Merry Christmas Grandma and Grandpa!
This ones kind of heavy!
Her very own blender!
and toaster!
More trains for her set!
Olivia's cousin on my dads side....notice she's the only girl!
Isaac, Ryan, Sam
Olivia, Daniel, Bryce who didn't want his picture taken :), and Christian

Christmas Eve...

We spent Christmas eve with my Mom's side of the family. Andrea and Dave had the house decorated so nice and we had a lot of fun.....the food was really good too! It had been snowing all day so we definitely had a white Christmas!
Olivia and her beautiful dress that my grandma and grandpa got her when she was born. She finally got to wear it and what a perfect dress for Christmas! She loved it and kept twirling around in it telling us "My pretty dress!"
being silly
The stockings were hung......
Liv and Auntie :)
Olivia would not let baby Brielle leave her sight the whole night! If she couldn't see her she would yell out "Where's baby Brielle!" She was a good little helper :) Hopefully this is a good sign of things to come! Now if we could only get her to change diapers!
Liv and baby Brielle!
Time to open presents!
Her favorite present of the night! The sit and spin! Thanks Erin!
When we got home that night Liv went and picked out Santa her favorite cookies......then she ate one because she told us "it's OK he has a lot." :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas with the Stenzels!

Last weekend the Stenzels and Girtons came up to our house to celebrate Christmas. We had a lot of fun, a lot of food, and a lot of presents! Thanks again for everything and for coming up! We had a lot of fun with everyone!
The kids waiting to open presents!
Can you tell they are excited!
What is it????
The Lucky Ducks game! She loves this and we have played it every night I don't know how many times! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel!
Candy Land! We have played this one too.....Daddy beat us both.....we think he cheated....he did shuffle the cards! Thanks Girtons!
Present mania!
Olivia got a train mat from Grandma and Grandpa....she LOVES it!!! This girl is obsessed with trains!
Everyone helping Grandpa open his presents. What good helpers :)
Playing with her train mat and new trains!
Everyone playing with trains.....and sharing :)....wow!
Putting new toys together with Grandpa.
Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids!
Group picture......Chris, Kristin, Kim, Nate
Karen, Olivia, Kade, Noelle, and Frank
Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


We took Olivia to see Santa last night at the mall. We weren't too sure how it would go but she actually did really well.....just a little scared of him but no crying! As we were walking up to him she immediately yelled....with a terrified look on her face.....I WANT TRAINS! It was pretty funny :)
I wonder what baby Stenzel was telling Santa he/she wanted!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Big girl bed!!!

Olivia has had her big girl bed for a while now and we finally got her mattress in so she was SUPER excited to put her "Polka ots" as she calls them on her bed finally! We'll see how excited she is when she has to make the move to the basement for real here coming up soon! We've slowly been decorating her room little by little and when we get it finished I will post some more pictures! It has been so much fun decorating her room girly since we didn't get to do that before!

Decorating the tree!

Last weekend we got the tree up and decorated, along with the inside and outside of the house too. We are ready for Christmas! Olivia had fun helping put the ornaments on this year. So far they have even stayed on! We'll see how long that lasts between her and the cats :)
Ta Dah!