

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas day!

Christmas morning we got up and opened presents at our house and then went to Grandma and Grandpa Voldens house for more presents. Then it was off to LaCrosse to my dads side of the family to celebrate! Of course it was snowing again so the roads on the way were icey and a lot of people were in the ditch! Luckily we made it there and back safely and had a good time!
Santa came and brought Olivia a huge train set for Christmas!
She was a little tuckered out from Christmas eve so we had to wake her up Christmas morning :)
She was so excited to see her trains in the morning! I don't think she really knew what to do but had the biggest smile on her face!
Playing with her trains
She got playfood in her stocking and chocolate....which she wanted to eat all right away!
Merry Christmas Auntie!
Merry Christmas Grandma and Grandpa!
This ones kind of heavy!
Her very own blender!
and toaster!
More trains for her set!
Olivia's cousin on my dads side....notice she's the only girl!
Isaac, Ryan, Sam
Olivia, Daniel, Bryce who didn't want his picture taken :), and Christian

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