

Monday, January 31, 2011

Meeting Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel!

Grandpa and Grandma Stenzel came to visit this weekend and meet Miss Peyton. It was great to see them and Olivia was so excited for them to come. Thanks again for all of the presents and food this weekend! It was so nice to not have to do any of that and get to relax! Come again any time!
Grandpa and the girls Saturday morning.
Big sister Olivia got some new Dora coloring sheets. She LOVES them and grandma got to help color on them ALL WEEKEND :) Thanks for keeping her entertained!
She also got a huge Pooh bear that is bigger than her that she lovingly calls "Puma" :) Can we say spoiled :)
After breakfast with the girls.
Grandma and Peyton
Grandpa and Peyton. Olivia used to wear this outfit! It is so fun putting clothes on Peyton that Olivia used to wear!
Peyton on her new baby quilt that Aunt Kim made for her! It is perfect and she loves it! Thanks Kim! It's turned out so cute!
Snuggling with Grandma
Hugs for Grandpa!
Thanks for coming to visit! We had fun!

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