

Sunday, February 27, 2011

One month old!

Miss Peyton is already one month old! It is hard to believe but here she is in her debut photo shoot! I hope she now knows she has to do this every month :) Her poor little face is all broken out but we couldn't put off our photo session much longer or she would be 2 months old! She is already getting so big and is getting really long! I think she will be taller than her big sister some day. She can already lift her head up really good and recently started making little noises and sounds to us which is so fun! Here's our little snuggle bug.....

I love the snow!

Miss Olivia loves to play outside in the snow! After sledding today she thought it would be fun to play on her swing set. Who says it has to be 70 degrees out to play at the "park" :)
Peyton came out for a little sledding too :) We couldn't even wake this girl up for a quick picture! She's just like her dad...she could care less that it is cold out!
We had to clear all of the snow off first so she could slide!
She thought this was so much fun sliding into the snow!

She had a little trouble getting on in her big snow pants but had no trouble having fun once she got on!

This is the life!

This girl sleeps A LOT! She sleeps just like her sister and Daddy....arms up above her head. Wouldn't this be the perfect life if we could sleep like this all day :)

Monkey Junction

Last Thursday we needed to get out of the house for something different so I took the girls to Monkey Junction. It is at a church that is less than 2 minutes from our house. They have an indoor playground and tons of toys to keep kids busy when they can't go outside. Olivia had so much fun and didn't want to leave. Peyton slept the whole time :) I think we will make this a weekly trip just for something different to do and to get some of miss Olivia's energy out!
playing basketball
This was her favorite thing! She played on this for the longest time and kept going back for more!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Let it snow....Let it snow....Let it snow!

Well we got another snow storm this weekend....just when it was all starting to melt! All Olivia could talk about was going sledding so we took Peyton over to Grandma and Grandpas house and Chris, Me, and Auntie took Olivia out for some fun....before the freezing rain came! She had so much fun and would have probably stayed out all night if she could! Next year we will have to get her a bigger sled....she barely fit in it this year!
She loved sledding and especially when you took her over jumps!
You can't get a bigger smile than this!
Olivia and her Frosty.....which was extremely hard to build since the snow wasn't sticky!
What a cool dude :)
Vickie, Chris, Olivia, and Me with Frosty! Too bad he didn't come to life! Maybe it's because his hat wouldn't stay on....it was really windy!

Olivia's weekend....

Every Sunday we make pancakes....Olivia's favorite meal. Here she is....yogurt mustache and all, happy as can be :)
She wanted me to take a picture of her in her panda bear outfit...which she calls her "koala bear" :) "Put my Koala bear up!" she will say all day long so we will put her hood up. Then she will run and look at herself in the mirror :)
She LOVES to watch and pick out movies. She would watch them all day long if we let her! Tonight we had movie night and made popcorn. What did we watch? Do you even have to ask? Frosty the Snowman of course! Her favorite.....and yes we had to watch it twice like always!
What a goofball!

Keeping me entertained!

Here is how we try and keep Peyton entertained while we are eating/etc. At least it works for a little while anyways :) This girl loves to be held!
My papasan chair
My playmat

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

We hope you all had a fabulous Valentines Day!
The girls on Valentines Day! Peyton is getting really long already!
Liv and her Valentine presents.
She got a bumble bee pillow pet....which she will tell you "It's not a bumble bee!"
She also got some Dora coloring pages! Her favorite thing to do right now is color!
Eating her Valentine cup cake!
Liv and her Valentine outfit!
Peyton slept through a lot of Valentines Day :)