

Monday, February 21, 2011

Let it snow....Let it snow....Let it snow!

Well we got another snow storm this weekend....just when it was all starting to melt! All Olivia could talk about was going sledding so we took Peyton over to Grandma and Grandpas house and Chris, Me, and Auntie took Olivia out for some fun....before the freezing rain came! She had so much fun and would have probably stayed out all night if she could! Next year we will have to get her a bigger sled....she barely fit in it this year!
She loved sledding and especially when you took her over jumps!
You can't get a bigger smile than this!
Olivia and her Frosty.....which was extremely hard to build since the snow wasn't sticky!
What a cool dude :)
Vickie, Chris, Olivia, and Me with Frosty! Too bad he didn't come to life! Maybe it's because his hat wouldn't stay on....it was really windy!

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