

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Peyton's first wagon ride!

Today Peyton went for her first wagon ride with Grandma Stenzel who was here visiting. The girls had a lot of fun....although Olivia complained it was too cold and that's why no one was outside (it was a little windy but super nice!) I think she is too used to the 120 degree weather here lately :) I think we will be taking a lot more wagon rides now that Peyton can sit up so well!
Livy Lu...."take my picture take my picture!" :)
Peytor Bug loving the wagon!


Liv before we headed to Dance class in one of her many outfits she likes to wear!

The zoo!

The other weekend we went up to the Minnesota Zoo. It was HOTTTT!!! Liv had fun and Peyton really liked looking at all of the animals. Here are some pictures from our trip!
Peyton hanging out while Liv is watching the penguins.
"talking" to me while we waited :)
The girls watching the monkeys.
The sting rays were bigger than Liv!
Happy girl!
Riding the golden turtle :)
The girls and I!
Liv and her penguin craft she made while at the zoo!
Cooling off with a snow-cone!
She was pretty excited to feed the goats.....and they were too! They were jumping up on Chris so he had to pick Liv up so they wouldn't knock her over!
Changing it up and hanging out in the baby bjorn :)
Playing at the zoo park with Dad....while mom and Peyton hung out in the shade!
The bears were cooling off in the water!
The otters wanted to swim too!
Enjoying her HUGE sucker from the zoo when we got home!
We used to get these suckers every where we went too when we were little. You should have seen her face after about 5 min!


A couple of weeks ago Amanda, Bethany, and I had a girls night out and went to Brit Brit up in the cities! It was so nice to get away with the girls for the night and have some fun! Thanks for a fun time ladies!
My favorite girls!
We had really good seats in the first row of the upper section!
Me and my girl B!
Here she is!!! ( I took a lot of pictures but didn't think anyone else would care to see them except for us girls :) so I will spare you all!)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

4th of July!

We had a busy and fun day on the fourth of July this year. It started out with doughnuts for breakfast that Livy picked out.....notice the chocolate frosting and millions of sprinkles :) Here are some pictures from our day!
yum yum!
After breakfast we read some books.
Livy reading to Peyton.
Then it was time to get their swim on.....in their matching swim suits :)
Always a happy girl!
I love Peyton's face in this one.....she's like "Ahh! It's cold!"
Playing with her ducky.
Ice cream cone break!
Sporting her fourth of July outfit!
The girls and great granny at our cookout!
We lit off little fireworks in the driveway and they were too loud for the little princess so she borrowed Matt's target practice ear muffs :) She wore them at the actual fireworks too :)
The fireworks staff.....Matt, Chris, and Joel
Peyton watching the fireworks with Grandpa.
Liv watching the fireworks with Grandpa.
Joel worked hard lighting those fireworks off!
Andrea and Peyton.
At the fireworks!
Liv and all of her glow sticks! She had so much fun with them! Thanks Erin and Vickie for bringing them!
Liv with Joel....waiting for the show to start!
Peyton loved the fireworks and didn't even mind the loud booms. She just stared at them and eventually fell asleep :) Hope you all had a fun fourth like we did!