

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The zoo!

The other weekend we went up to the Minnesota Zoo. It was HOTTTT!!! Liv had fun and Peyton really liked looking at all of the animals. Here are some pictures from our trip!
Peyton hanging out while Liv is watching the penguins.
"talking" to me while we waited :)
The girls watching the monkeys.
The sting rays were bigger than Liv!
Happy girl!
Riding the golden turtle :)
The girls and I!
Liv and her penguin craft she made while at the zoo!
Cooling off with a snow-cone!
She was pretty excited to feed the goats.....and they were too! They were jumping up on Chris so he had to pick Liv up so they wouldn't knock her over!
Changing it up and hanging out in the baby bjorn :)
Playing at the zoo park with Dad....while mom and Peyton hung out in the shade!
The bears were cooling off in the water!
The otters wanted to swim too!
Enjoying her HUGE sucker from the zoo when we got home!
We used to get these suckers every where we went too when we were little. You should have seen her face after about 5 min!

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