

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Updates Updates Updates!!!

Wow I was really behind on blogging......and I paid for it these last 2 nights!!! It took me hours and hours to get these all on here! Thank you to Chris for taking the girls outside, putting them both to bed, and ironing the PILE of clothes that needed to be done after a week of vacation so I could finish these! I guess I learned my lesson and won't get so behind! Make sure you click on "older posts" at the bottom to see them all!

Peyton's 6 month pictures!!!

A couple of weeks ago we went to visit my cousin Abbey to get Peyton's 6 month pictures done! She was pretty tired once we got there so she would not smile in her first dress like she normally does ALL THE TIME.....of course :) Little stinker! We gave her a 15 minute power nap and then our happy smiley baby was back for her pink and blue outfits. We didn't get much with the girls together because at that point everyone was falling apart so hopefully when we go back for Liv's 3 year pictures (that doesn't even seem possile!) we will get some good ones! Thanks to Abbey for taking these! We are so excited to order them and put them on the walls!