

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cabin Fever 2011!

We had so much fun up North this year with my family! The weather was beautiful......and hot! We did so many fun things and Liv had a lot of fun with some of the other kids up there too. Here are A LOT of pictures from our trip.......ENJOY!!!
Kids fishing contest!
Liv catching a sunfish! She won ice cream for catching the "most unique" fish! Liv and her prize winning fish :)
Enjoying her prize....we enjoyed ice cream A LOT up at the lodge all week :)
All week they had activities for the kids....here is Liv tie dying with Auntie.
The finished product!
I don't know what I would do without my baby bjorn! We used it a lot on vacation too!
View from the deck of our cabin!
This is how the girls took their bath up north...good thing it was a big kitchen sink!
Chris and my Dad headed out fishing.
We played at the beach a lot!
Digging in the sand with Auntie.
Relaxing :)
Building sand castles....or destroying them :)
Beach Beauty
Boat ride with Auntie
Driving with Daddy!
Grandpa read a lot of books throughout the week!
Loon who just caught a fish!
There were so many loons this year and they all had babies!
Feeding the chipmunks....they were well fed this week!
Swinging with Dad! We spent SO MUCH TIME at the park.....probably hours a day :)
Our nice walleyes we caught that day....check out the little diva on the left!
Liv and Chris did lots of swimming in the pool :)
She loved splashing everyone...mostly Auntie who was out of the pool!
Peyton wasn't too sure of the pool.....a little cold for her!
After a fun night out for Hawaiian night up at the bar!
Having some breakfast and reading books with Dad.
The boys headed out fishing.
This girl LOVES tee ball!!! We played this every day and she is actually pretty good! By the end of the week she was having us throw to her without the tee and was hitting it pretty far! She also does her little stance and says "I gotta do it like Joe Mauer mommy!" Love her :)
Group picture!
Out for a boat ride on our last night.
We saw about 4 rainbows on our boat ride!
duck family
Liv and Grandpa
Peyter Bug playing with her new toy she got when we went shopping.
Hopefully next year she won't be terrified of the shower because she might not fit in the sink!
Liv layed out all of her blankets, dolls, and animals and thought she was going to sleep with Grandpa on the couch that night.....then we had to take a picture of her holding EACH and EVERY ONE of her dolls and animals separately........what a character!
Me and my girls!
Chris and the girls.
Grandma and Grandpa and the girls!

Thanks for a fun trip everyone!!!

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