

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Extreme Bowling!

Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel and Kim, Kade, Noelle, and Karter all came to visit this last weekend. The kiddos had so much fun playing together and Saturday night we hit the town for pizza and extreme bowling! It was Olivia's first time bowling and she had a blast! We will definitely have to go back again! Thanks for a fun weekend and a fun night!
The girls and Grandpa waiting for our pizza before bowling. Peytor Bug!
All set and ready to go!
The girls with Chris
Waiting....patiently....for her ball to hit the pins :)
High five! Even if she only got one pin down she was so excited!
Noelle and Liv
Kade, Noelle, and Liv
Chris helping Liv out.
Peyton helped me bowl a lot :)
Worn out after a long night of bowling!
I wonder if I can lift one of these up myself!

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