

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Busy Busy....Behind on blogging!

So......I've been a little behind on blogging here for quite a while....we've had a lot going on.  I got up early just to finally catch up!  There are lot of new pictures so make sure to hit "older posts" at the bottom to see them all!  Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Mother's day 2012!

We had a great Mother's day this year.  We went and had pizza with family and then after naps we took a walk around the lake, had a picnic, and played at the park.  The weather was perfect and we couldn't have asked for a better day!

 The girls with Grandma for pizza!
 Walking around the lake!
 Enjoying our picnic!

Hope you all had a great Mother's day too!

Fun with Cousins!

Liv and Peyt had so much fun with Kade and Noelle when they came to visit for Liv's recital last weekend.  Here are some pictures from our trip to the park!

 Kade and Peyt had so much fun racing down the slides over and over.  Peyton can climb up and slide down all by herself now.  What a big girl!

 She kept climbing up her and saying "no no!" because she knew she wasn't suppose to!

 I may have staged this but I still think it's cute :)

Liv's Ballet Recital!

Liv had her first ballet recital last weekend and she did so great!  Her and I take a "Mommy and Me" class every Tuesday and we've been practicing for the big day for a while now.  We danced to the song "Lollipop" and they got to hold real big lollipops for the show!  Thanks to everyone who came to watch!  She was so excited for you all to see her dance!  Here are some pictures of the little ballerina....the ones on stage are from rehearsal because you aren't allowed to take them during the show....of course....their way of getting you to buy the dvd :)

 Grandma Stenzel even came to watch and brought Noelle and Kade!

 Auntie Vickie
 Great Grandma and Grandpa
 Grandma and Grandpa Volden
 She loved having Noelle and Kade here for the show!

 Thanks for the flowers Grandpa Volden!
 Pretty girl even got to wear make-up...which of course she loved :)

 You can just tell how excited she was by the look on her face :)
Pretty ballerina!  Next year she will get to be on stage all by herself.....thank goodness :)

Pinterest Projects!

My name is Kristin......and I am obsessed with Pinterest!  I have made all sorts of food, art with the girls, and little sewing projects from ideas on pinterest but these are the big things we just finished....with a lot of help from Chris!  We made a magnetic chalk board....which the girls LOVE, an art wall, and a weekly calendar.  Check them out!

 Magnetic Chalkboard.  Peyton plays with this daily and loves it!
 What a masterpiece!

 Art wall to display all of their projects!  We hung little pails on the wall and filled them with crayons, markers, etc. and moved Olivia's table from her bedroom upstairs so they have a little corner in the kitchen for coloring/painting/etc. 

 Weekly calendar.  This is also magnetic and painted with chalkboard paint.  I made little daily activity magnets so the girls know what is going on for the week and each day we move the big sun magnet to the day of the week.
On to the next project!