

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Peyton 15 months!

I can't believe how fast this little girl is growing!  She is getting all of her molars and eye teeth right now....poor thing!  She is also starting to try and repeat things that we say right now and her favorite thing to tell you while shaking her finger at you is no-no!  Little stinker :)  She also LOVES to read books and we read them at bed time every night.  She is turning into quite the little character and by the looks of things is going to be a sassy little thing just like her big sister!  Something to look forward to :)

 She loves her babies!

 I can't believe how big Olivia is getting too!

 I love this picture!  Shows you how much she adores her big sister more than anything :)  Watching her every move!

Being silly!

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