

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Illinois Christmas 2012

We had a fun Christmas with the Illinois clan this year!  The girls had so much fun playing with their cousins.  Thanks for the fun weekend and all of the awesome presents!  Here are some pictures from our trip....
Kids by the tree out at the cabin: Peyt, Liv, Noelle, Kade, and Karter
Getting ready to open presents
Lucky girls!
Liv got lots of easy bake oven mixes....we've been busy trying them all out and she is having so much fun cooking for everyone!
Peyt loves her penguin dream lite!
Grandpa took the older kids for a sled ride with the four wheeler.  Liv thought that was great!
Maybe next year little ones :)
Peyt with grandma and great grandma
Family pic take 1
Take 2
Girls with grandma and grandpa
Take a picture of my silly face!  goofy girl :)
Grandma and the girls :)

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