

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The big 2!

Happy 2nd Birthday to our little lady!  I can't believe she is already 2!  She has been so excited for her "Kitty Party" and any time she sees a picture of hello kitty anywhere she yells out "My kitty party!!!"  She is such a sweet, shy little thing but not afraid to rough up her big sister from time to time.  She now blames Olivia for everything..."Livy do it!" and loves to sing songs and count....even if it is a little out of order :)  Her favorite lately is to sing bah bah black sheep and the abc's.  She just looks at you with the biggest smile on her face and is so proud when she sings them :)  She is also really into coloring right now and still completely obsessed with all of her babies.  She feeds, rocks, burps, bounces, and takes them everywhere we go.  Rarely will you see her without one in her hands.  She was so excited to take her hello kitty cookie cake and treat bags to daycare today and celebrate with us after work. Here is our big girl on her birthday!
Birthday princess shirt on and all ready for daycare!
Hello kitty cupcakes!
Ready to open her presents!
She got her own leappad so she doesn't have to fight over her big sisters!
Princess people for her castle.
Livy picked out her own special present for her....a doughnut playfood set.  She loves it!
little hello kitty
Peyt with all of her presents.
Ready for some cupcakes!
She was really good at blowing out the candles this year!
Birthday cutie :)
Peyt with Big sister livy
Girls with Grandma
Grandma and Grandpa came for cupcakes too!

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