

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter in Illinois!

We visited everyone in Illinois this year for Easter and had a busy and fun-packed weekend!  We were able to make it to the big fish fry on friday night out at the cabin, go to an Easter egg hunt in a near-by town, dye easter eggs, and have an easter egg hunt at grandma and grandpa's.  Here are some pictures from our trip.  Thanks for a fun weekend!
The kiddos got to go on a trailer ride...a muddy one!  They LOVED it!
Even Peyton jumped on and went all by herself with Livy....big step for this shy girl!
Getting ready for the Easter egg hunt in town.
Chaos :)  Peyton just stood there too afraid to move while Livy ran right in!
Olivia won the grand prize basket for her age group by finding the special note....she didn't even know it until the lady told her at the end!  It was full of lots of fun things....bubbles, a kite, candy, art supplies, gift cards, stuffed animal, and lots more.  She was one excited little girl!
Liv with the Easter bunny and other winners.  She had her picture taken for the newspaper!
All the kiddos and their easter hunt findings!
Time to dye Easter eggs!
Peyt and Kade
Karter, Liv, and Noelle
What a goof!
Kade, Karter, Noelle, Liv, and Peyt all dressed up in their Easter finest!
In their baskets, the Easter bunny left them a note in their puzzle boxes that said he had hid all the puzzle pieces in their Easter eggs around the yard.  They had to find all of their eggs in order to put their puzzle together.  So fun!
Ready for the hunt!
Peyt had to find the yellow eggs
Liv had to find the purple eggs
Found all their eggs!
Girls with Grandma and Grandpa Stenzel

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