

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Peyton's First Hair Cut!

Peyton got to come with Mommy and Livy this time to get her hair cut too.....what a big girl!  In true Peyton fashion, she was so excited to go and when we got there, gave us her game face.  I'm impressed she actually got up in the chair at all knowing her :)  She was pretty proud of herself when she was done and even gave me a smile when she got a chocolate for being a good girl! 

front before.....
back before.....
 not too sure....
 would not smile one bit.....so serious......

 All done!
 Happier girl :)
 Back all trimmed up!
Livy wanted her picture taken too.  Her first haircut was at 5 months old.....quite a difference from Peyton!  Then she told me to go away....she wanted to sit and get her hair cut all by herself.....and so it starts......

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