

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cabin Fever 2013!

We had so much fun at the cabin this year!  There were so many kids so Olivia made a lot of friends.  The fishing wasn't great for walleyes but the weather was perfect!  Here are some pictures from our trip....a lot of pictures.....
All packed up and ready to go!  Of course thier dolls had to come too!

We loved and had so much fun at the beach!

The girls with the sand castle we made

Ready to hit the beach!

Trying out the kayaks

Peyt was so funny....every time I told her to smile she turned her head to the side like this and said...ok ready.....where do they learn these things!

They had a lot of fun going down the slide into to lake this year

The girls wanted me to make them sand mermaids.....


More sand castles!

Love these 2!

Traditional tye die shirts!

so proud of her shirt!

Liv and auntie's shirt!

Grandma and grandpa off to go fishing!

Daddy's fish!

Family boat trip

Driving the boat with Grandpa


Dad's big walleye he caught!

Rock bass....

Chris's big walley....

Fishing contest.....

Peyton's big catch of the day!

Liv's big catch of the day!

The girls loved the pool!

Practicing her bobs she learned in swimming lessons


Perfectly burnt!

Peyt taking a bath in the sink.....after this they both actually took showers the rest of the week....if you know my girls at all....they are totally afraid of showers!  Haven't taken one since but oh well :)

Making bird feeders out of pine cones and peanut butter

Minnow races!

fun times!


Trying to feed the baby duck.....he swam away as fast as he could :)

They played at the park every day with all the other kids

Last night....why does vacation have to go so fast!

Nightly ice cream at the lodge

She wanted me to take her picture and this is what she did....silly girl!

On our way home

Vacation is so tiring!

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