

Monday, May 26, 2014

Peyton's First trip to the Dentist!

Peyton took her first trip to the dentist in April.  I was a little nervous with this little girl but once she warmed up she did great!  She watched big sister go first and once she actually layed back in the chair, thought she was pretty big stuff. Her favorite part was getting to pick out her prizes at the end and getting a bag full of goodies.  Let's hope it goes this smoothly every time!

 All ready to go!
 Big sister showing her how it's done
 Big girl!

All done!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That wasn't so tough now, was it? Wise that you guided your kids through the process of dental check-up, since it is something that most don't even fully adjust to well until their adulthood. So it's good that they got to start at an early age and had a fine impression, which should ought to last for years, we should hope so. Kudos!

Dr. Stephen T. E. Malfair @ Choose Your Smile