

Friday, October 23, 2009


Last weekend we went to Tweites Pumpkin Patch with Chris's family to get our pumpkins and have some fun!
Crawling through the big tunnel!
Going down the big slide with Daddy
Driving the tractor
Hay ride to pick out our pumpkins
Our little pumpkin!
I want this one! This is the pumpkin Olivia picked out all by herself!

Birthday Bash!

Last weekend we had Olivia's first birthday party. Olivia had a blast and loved seeing all of her family and friends! Thank you to everyone who came! You made her day really special!
Our birthday princess!
This is how Olivia drives her new car from her friends Addio and Ellie.....backwards....yikes! She absolutely loves this car! Thank you girls!
Mom and me!
Chris and I
Grandpa V. taking me for a ride....the right way!
Great Granny and Grandpa. This was their second birthday party of the day....what party animals!
Vickie and Matt
Vickie and I
Granny and I
The 3 amigas...Amanda, Me, and Bethany
Erin and Vickie....hiding from the crowd!
Liv and Andrea
Grandpa V. and Liv
Great Granny and Liv
The Grandpas
The Grandmas
Les and Matt
Double trouble......Joel and Kade :)
Darwin and Colleen
Bethany, Ellie, Amanda, and Addio
Story time with Kim
Andrea and Chris
Me and Liv
Auntie Vickie and Liv
How many kids can you fit in a crib???
Party in Liv's crib!
Sliding on her birthday slide.....hmmm.....what is Addio doing down there :)
Present time!
My sweet puma outfit from Auntie Vickie!
We had so many great helpers to open the presents!
Olivia got some great gifts! We play with these blocks every day now!
I love my pink car from great granny and grandpa!
A sled from grandma and grandpa V.! After the snow we got today I can already use it!
The fondant cake I stayed up until 3am making!
Olivia's personal princess crown cake!
Mmmmmm....this cake is good!
you gotta try this dad!
what a mess! At least she had fun!
Thanks again everyone for helping me celebrate!