

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Twins Game!!!!

Last Sunday we had Olivia's one year pictures taken in Stillwater and then headed to the last regular season Twins game at the Dome. It was a GREAT game and we had so much fun! Olivia had a blast cheering on our team! We love our Dome but can't wait for outdoor baseball next year!
Chris and Liv outside the Dome
Warming up before the game. We had really good seats!
Liv and Grandpa watching the game.
Mini me! We love our Mauer!
Olivia's Birthday sign we made for the game.
Cheering on the Twins!
Liv cheering on the Twins with her homer hankee!
Such a silly girl!
I think she was yelling "Go Twins" here :)
It was SO LOUD in the dome that day and she just kept clapping right along with everyone else.
Final score....4 to 13! We had a lot of awesome home runs that day too!
Winning celebration!
#1 fan section.... Grandpa, Grandma, Liv, Chris, Me, Vickie, and Matt
Literally less than a minute after the game ended Liv was OUT! It was so funny! The game started right when it is her nap time so by the end she was exhausted! Too much cheering will do that to a girl! We can't wait to go to another game next year at our new field!

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