

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Liv turns ONE!!!

Olivia turned one yesterday....we can't believe it! The last year has gone so fast and she is getting so big....and her attitude shows it! She started off the morning very happy and we had a fun filled day ahead! We gave her presents and cooked her a special breakfast and then headed off to Chuck E. Cheese in the cities for some fun since it was raining out. Then later that night Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner and the twins game! Here are some pics of her day.....
Yah! It's my birthday!!!
Opening her first present! It was an Olivia doll and book.
This girl LOVES ripping paper.....thanks grandpa for teaching her this! Her paper books are all put up in the closet now :)
Seriously guys....you got me a pig??? What are you trying to say???
She sat down and read her book right away. This is her new favorite thing to do and she will bring you a book and sit in your lap.
We got her a climber with a slide for the basement. We have to try and keep this active girl busy when the snow hits and we can't go outside every day! She loved it and it fits perfect in our open basement until we can put it outside in the summer!
She is a huge climber so this was a piece of cake for her to climb up the ladder!
Going down her slide. She hangs on to the side so she doesn't go too fast. It is so funny and I don't know where she learned this.
So much fun!
Such a big girl!
Eating her special breakfast.....scrambled eggs with cheese and ham. This was her first time having eggs and she loved them!
Chuck E. Cheese!!!! She really liked this merry-go-round but I think she wanted it to go faster!
Riding in the car with Chuck E. Cheese!
Clear the road! She's on the loose!
She had so much fun riding in these cars!
Her birthday pizza......pizza is her favorite food!
Mmmmmmm pizza!
Her Birthday cupcake!
I could eat this cake stuff every day!
She had cake sticking out of her mouth because she put so much in at a time!
Good thing we didn't have to clean up after this girl was done!
Meeting Chuck E. Cheese
Climbing through the tunnels
See me up here dad???
coming down the big slide!
riding the big horse
I had so much fun! She slept the whole way home after this!
Birthday picture with Dad
Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner and brought me more presents!
She was so funny and put the ribbon around her neck.....which lucy then followed her all around the house trying to eat!
Grandma and Liv
Open them Open them!
Playing with her new legos. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!
Grandpa and Liv watching the Twins beat Detroit for the division title!
Birthday pic with Mom
I get another cupcake! This is a great day!
Being goofy
Check out her messy hands! We through her right in the bath tub! What a great birthday! We can't wait for her party so we can celebrate with everyone else too! And that means more cake!!!!

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