

Monday, May 31, 2010

Best B-day Present EVER!

Chris got me and him front row tickets to the Twins/Rangers game this last weekend for my birthday and it was AWESOME!!! We were right on the field off of first base and got to see all of the action and players close up! It was the first time we had been to the new field and outdoor baseball is so much better than the dome! Here are some pics from our day......
My Mauer!
Close up of Mauer :) I zoomed in when he ran by to get a good shot but I guess I zoomed in a little too far! Still a great picture :)
Kubel and Young heading out to the outfield.
My view of the game :) That is first base right ahead of my feet!
Gardy getting fired up over a bad call!
The fan that caught the home run ball was in fair territory yet they called it foul. He was not happy!
Mauer hitting
Kubel on first base.
Mauer on first base
Morneau on first base
Cuddy hitting
The team
Us in our seats!
Twins win!
Kirby Puckett statue
Us sitting in the golden glove
Kent Hurbeck at his restaurant in the stadium after the game
Me with the Mauer statue!
We got many more pictures at the game so if you want to see more come on over to see them!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Olivia's new "park"..........

Last Sunday, My dad and Chris worked all day to put together a swing set........or as Olivia calls it "park." in our back yard. It turned out great and Olivia LOVES it! We love it too because we don't have to go to the actual park every night now. We can just walk out the door! It has been really nice for Chris during the day too because it gives the little miss something to do! Thanks for all of your help dad! Also check out the deck in the background......Chris and his dad worked hard all last weekend to get all of the trim up around the bottom! It looks so much better now! Thanks for all of your hard work too Frank! We always seem to put everyone to work when they come over so make sure to think about stopping over to visit at our house next time....we might have a project for you!
Olivia's "park"......she's saying "ta da!"
climbing her rock wall.....
She made it!
Driving with her wheel. She has a telescope and 2 drums up here too. We have to try and keep this busy girl occupied!
Looking out her telescope....
Riding her "horse"
If anyone wants to come over and play.....stop over any time!

My babies...

Olivia loves playing with and reading to her dolls lately....
My 2 favorite babies!

Kitties in my window!

Andrea, Dave, Erin, and Joel got me some super cute kitty window clings for my birthday and as soon as I got them home Olivia had to put them in "her" window right away! She loves them and points to them all day yelling "kitty!" Thank you for the great present! Olivia thanks you too :)

Olivia's new fish named "Fish" :)

Since Olivia loves the 2 fish in our room we decided to get her her own. She picked him out all by herself and well..........he didn't make it to see the next day after we got him home. I guess that's what we get for buying the first one at Walmart :) Chris told her he was sleeping all day until we could get her a new one :) She loves her new fish and in the morning we can hear her on the moniter saying "fish" when she gets up. It's too funny!
Petting her fish! oops! It actually let her touch him! Hopefully he learned his lesson!