

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Olivia's new fish named "Fish" :)

Since Olivia loves the 2 fish in our room we decided to get her her own. She picked him out all by herself and well..........he didn't make it to see the next day after we got him home. I guess that's what we get for buying the first one at Walmart :) Chris told her he was sleeping all day until we could get her a new one :) She loves her new fish and in the morning we can hear her on the moniter saying "fish" when she gets up. It's too funny!
Petting her fish! oops! It actually let her touch him! Hopefully he learned his lesson!


Cassidy Chaos said...

She didn't want to name her fish J-Lo?!

Rohde Family said...

or JaRule? Or J-Lo 2? I can see why fish #1 may have not made it far....:)